The TU-222R and TU-222S allow increased resistance due to an increase in the volume of the aircraft to secure the visibility of the rear seats in the stadium seating, and house the electronic reconnaissance equipment located immediately after the pilot seat. All of the space in the compartment "Q Bay" was sacrificed to carry a second crew member.
A specially designed unit was built to secretly and safely avoid the VIPs that should be protected from these TU-222R and TU-222S production blocks by flying at high altitudes and speeds.
This special tactical aircraft is the TU-222R (Mu) or TU-222S (Mu) format with the initial name "Mu" of the guardian's first name given to the end of the format name by the Strategic Air Force's own naming. The symbol has been assigned.
These TU-222s (222R-Mu, 222S-Mu) required fully experienced pilots.
Miss Aurora Sterling served as security and transport during the flight to the concert hall.
ロッキード&リージェ重工業 TU-222R「ドラゴンレディII」戦略高高度要人警護・偵察機。
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▼ ロッキード&リージェ重工業 TU-222S「ドラゴンレディII」戦略高高度要人警護・偵察機
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