21/05/19 22:09 むしとりねこ/MuShiToRiNeKo さん
handkerchiefJapanese design Printing Mat High quality stamp mat large Desk pad matkids t-shirt custom print design japanese t-shirt for boys customizedwomen t-shirt anime design japanese design artis…
21/05/17 00:32 素人大学生 さん
Korean, Chinese, Japanese Pronunciation Difference 2!!
21/05/16 19:00 かやは さん
は東京五輪を中止しないのか 事態は簡単ではなく(BBC)https://www.bbc.com/japanese/features-and-analysis-57125337こちらはイギリスのBBCによるまとめ。▽フラン…
21/05/15 05:01 明日武 さん
! https://t.co/zA3shTPpE005/14 08:16asm99rx78RT @YuukiMokuya: 〓Mushroom people list〓① Japanese name〓② English name〓③ Scientific name〓The parts I didn't understand are left blank…05…
21/05/12 23:00 素人大学生 さん
Pair programming with Japanese IT engineer | flask and vim vol.1
hey I started sharing my coding on YouTube! Please check that out if you are programming learner!...
21/04/24 10:35 素人大学生 さん
Disadvantage for the Japanese user when using the smartphone.
n but.... and it depends on which operating system you choose but it is a huge disadvantage for Japanese speakers to use smartphone as the main source of input.It is because we have no other options b…
21/04/23 20:15 Olbaid さん
Mandelbrot Landscape #54 Koi-nobori This is a #Mandelbrot Set...
ollowing fractal art. https://www.deviantart.com/olbaid-st/art/Mandelbrot-133-Koi-nobori-607113903 This work is based on the Japanese custom of carp streamers “Koinobori”. I hope you enjoy it.…
21/04/19 12:24 忍 さん
nd parasite animation.Language setting has been added to the main title. You can choose between Japanese and English.Next time we will produce a cut-in and section of the parasite scene.I will do my b…
21/04/19 07:07 ChouIsamu さん
曰く、Residents of at least one American military installation in Japan may have to purchase Japanese toilet paper to keep their plumbing working properly, according to the housing maintenance offi…
21/04/18 05:01 明日武 さん
の政府だからねえ。文化音痴にも…04/17 13:36asm99rx78RT @reitdemi: I'm REIMI, Japanese animator and illustrator. I draw lovely characters.フリーランスのアニメーション作…
21/04/18 00:04 chocolatlion さん
『変身にゃんこのABC・お花編』Japanese cherry(サクラ)を掲載しました。
21/04/12 00:00 ヤーデシュテルン さん
FUNAI 4K液晶テレビ-FL-43U3330-を買ってみた
21/04/08 19:05 かやは さん
21/03/25 19:00 かやは さん
運河内でコンテナ船が座礁 貨物船の大渋滞が発生(BBC)https://www.bbc.com/japanese/56505882▽スエズ運河で巨大コンテナ船座礁 渋滞発生 エジプト(AFP)http…
21/03/22 05:01 明日武 さん
画像を原稿から修正して https://t.co/q6aY9j0Yd503/21 16:57asm99rx78RT @stewardtokyo: Japanese mermaids in Case of a Young Lord 6: Mermaid Murder Case(1957). 「若さま侍捕物帖 鮮血…
21/03/20 01:34 素人大学生 さん
21/03/17 19:04 かやは さん
21/03/10 18:42 素人大学生 さん
Is the law sexual consent minimum age 13 inappropriate?
local people who can support your dogma, and using twisted (and unsure) data you claim '50% of Japanese women are molested on the train'.Wow. But my wife didn't. She is Chinese and she says anything …
21/02/25 04:01 R^3 さん
ガーか? 02-24 22:22 ダイパやれてないからダイパリメイクは歓迎だ。 02-24 21:36 RT @Dogen: 38 ways to say 'no' in japanese https://t.co/QARvePG4Yg 02-24 19:55 …
21/02/16 02:02 晶山嵐子 さん
トだけでなく紙や同人誌などの利用も明記https://coliss.com/articles/freebies/japanese-free-fonts.html https://twitter.com/colisscom/status/1360920217166094339/photo/118:59 アニメ…